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Guide to Garage Door Technology

Guide to Garage Door Technology


With smart home technology increasing by leaps and bounds, it’s no surprise that even garage doors have brought a progressive approach to an otherwise underappreciated home feature. Now, it’s possible to modify almost anything mechanical or motorized for smart technology and its many uses. Our smartphones open worlds of possibilities with thousands of apps designed to make our lives easier. 

Operating your garage door is as easy as pressing a button on your phone. With more functionality options, you no longer need a remote to open and close your door. This guide will explore how Wi-Fi garage door openers work and discuss other innovations, including the Amazon Key In-Garage Delivery option. 

With our arsenal of knowledge, let Oregon City Garage Door install the latest garage door openers and accessories for improved security and convenience.

Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener Technology

While you may not necessarily want to replace your garage door remote with your smartphone, the ability to perform the same and additional functions on another device is convenient. If you misplace your remote, your phone will offer the solution. Some features of Wi-Fi garage door openers include the following.

  • Mobile app syncing: Many newer garage door opener models use the internet, specifically Wi-Fi, to perform tasks remotely via a downloaded app on a smartphone. The app allows you to monitor activity in and around your garage even if you are not at home. You can also open and close your garage door from a distance if you need to let anyone in.
  • Voice commands: The app allows you to activate features like voice control, where you can prompt virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa to operate the garage door on your behalf.
  • Push notifications: Receive push notifications each time there’s door activity so you stay on top of things. The app will let you know whether it’s opening, closing or left open too long.  
  • Programming: Program your door to adhere to a fixed schedule every day or based on activity. For example, program your door to automatically open at the estimated time you arrive from work or secure it at a specific time each night. Or, schedule it to close by default after it’s stayed open for a given period. You can program more advanced models to switch light sensors on and off at regular intervals throughout the night. 

Additional Garage Door Opener Smart Technology

Each of our Liftmaster garage door openers works with the myQ smartphone app and provides different functions. Notably, they let you view real-time updates and control your garage door entirely remotely from anywhere with an internet connection. Wi-Fi openers are growing in popularity as the need for improved security measures remains. Other garage door opener smart technology is also available on the market.

  • Bluetooth: This technology requires you to be physically close to your garage door to operate it. It is less effective than Wi-Fi, since the connection is not as stable and tends to be intermittent, but it works well if done correctly.
  • Geofencing: Our phones are ideal trackers. Some may be able to pick up your proximity due to your location settings and signal the garage door to open when you approach. Geofencing is an excellent addition to garage door openers using smart technology. 
  • Rolling codes: Your garage door opener sends a new code to your phone every time it opens and closes. Since the codes constantly change, intruders or hackers cannot duplicate them and use your Wi-Fi network to infiltrate your system.
  • Live monitoring: Some garage door smart technology systems come with motion-detecting cameras you can place inside and outside your garage. You’ll have total surveillance of your garage surroundings, which you can link to your smartphone and watch remotely.

Amazon Key In-Garage Delivery

Amazon introduced its Key In-Garage Delivery option for Prime members in November 2017, and it’s been a massive success since. This feature allows members to order items online and have a delivery driver drop their parcel in their garage while they’re away. Here’s how Amazon Key In-Garage Delivery works:

  1. Link your garage to Amazon Key in the Amazon app, then turn on In-Garage Delivery. 
  2. Sign in with your Amazon credentials.
  3. Select the “Let’s get started” prompt and “Set up a residence.”
  4. Link your Amazon and myQ accounts.
  5. Optionally, you can set up a camera with Cloud Cam or another service for further visibility.
  6. Browse through Amazon and select your items.
  7. Proceed to checkout and choose “Free Key Delivery.”
  8. You’ll receive a notification of the estimated delivery time.
  9. The driver will scan your package when they arrive.
  10. Once verified, the garage door will open automatically.
  11. The delivery person will place your parcel inside your garage. 
  12. The delivery driver will wait until the door closes, concealing your parcel safely inside, before leaving. 

If you don’t already have one, you may choose to install a camera for maximum security. Then, you can monitor your delivery driver from the moment they arrive until they leave. This feature is only available for Amazon deliveries, not items you receive through other services such as FedEx and UPS. 

Benefits of Garage Door Technology

Garage door technology has come a long way in ensuring safety feature enhancement. There are many advantages to installing a garage door opener that is compatible with Wi-Fi and other technology. 

  • Increased security: Depending on the model, your garage door opener may have a security camera that lets you oversee your garage and home when you are at work or on vacation. The app generates and sends rolling codes to your phone with each door use for added security. You have complete control over access and who gains entry to your home, reducing the risk of break-ins. Most models also have LED lights that brighten the whole outside area, so you and your family are never vulnerable in the dark when you pull up to your home at night.
  • Battery backup: Increase security further by ensuring you have a battery backup feature on your garage door. With this, you can still safely operate your garage door if you ever lose power. In addition, if your garage remote battery dies, you can use your phone to control your garage door. 
  • Safety sensors: A prominent feature of garage door technology packages is the inclusion of safety sensors. They detect any objects that obstruct the doorway by reversing the mechanism to avoid injuring anyone who could be in the way, especially children or animals.
  • Utmost convenience: Enjoy remotely controlling your garage door by tapping a button. No need to stand within feet of your garage to command it to open and close and monitor activity any time, from anywhere. 
  • Seamless operation: Smartphone apps like myQ allow seamless operation with Wi-Fi connectivity. Your internet connection should ideally be strong to work optimally, but it is usually highly effective and reliable. Newer garage door opener models operate quietly, so you don’t have to worry about them disturbing your peace.
  • Increased home value: Any security upgrades to your home are beneficial and add value if you ever decide to sell your home

Let Oregon City Garage Doors Install Your Door Opener

Let Oregon City Garage Doors Install Your Door Opener


While you may be willing to go to extremes to guarantee your family’s safety, we often underestimate the simplicity of upgrading existing devices to achieve the desired results. Oregon City Garage Door offers various garage door openers with smart technology to give you complete control of your garage and peace of mind knowing your family and belongings are secure.  

If you’re ready to take the next step to protect your home, call us at 503-662-7665 or request an estimate so we can get the job done in no time. 

Standard Garage Door Sizes

Standard Garage Door Sizes

Standard garage door sizes

You’ll need accurate measurements to get a new garage door or replace your existing one. These measurements will be determined by the type of door you have, whether it’s single, double or triple capacity. If you have a customized garage door, the size will differ from the standard sizes that most garage doors come in. 

At Oregon City Garage Door, we want you to be sure of the measurements so you’re not left with unpleasant surprises when it’s time for garage door installation. Our team is happy to help with that, but in the meantime, learn more about standard and custom garage door size options that will suit your requirements. 

Standard Garage Door Sizes

Garage door sizes differ in various states and according to how many cars they can accommodate, but a few standard sizes are typically available. An important factor to consider is the space available in the garage that will accommodate movement around a vehicle and storage above and beside a vehicle. Consider these spaces, known as the headroom and side room, when measuring the entire garage door. 

The garage floor’s depth should be approximately 1 foot to ensure the garage’s full capacity is covered from the floor and both sides to the ceiling. A single garage door doesn’t necessarily mean it’s for a small car — a family-size SUV or small minivan can park in a single garage, but the height must meet the right requirements. 

Single Garage Doors

The most common standard single-car garage size is 8 x 7 feet. This could generally fit a sedan or hatchback, although it can sometimes be used for parking bigger vehicles. 

The measurement is taken by multiplying the width by the height in feet and inches. Here are a few of the standard single garage measurements using these metrics:

Some standard sizes measured in feet:

  • 8 x 7 
  • 9 x 7
  • 10 x 7
  • 12 x7
  • 15 x 7
  • 16 x 7
  • 20 x 7 

Double or Two-Door Garage Doors

Double garage doors are great for households with more than one vehicle in multiple sizes. Some families have a small-to-medium car they use daily and a larger truck for work, hobbies or recreational purposes. These garages are also great for securing motorbikes, quadbikes, mowers, golf carts and other off-road vehicles. 

This means more space is needed for parking, which is exactly what double garages are for. Using the same measurement metrics, double garage doors are commonly found in the following standard measurements:

Some standard sizes measured in feet: 

  • 12 x 7 or 8 
  • 14 x 7 or 8
  • 16 x 7 or 8
  • 18 x 7 or 8 

Triple Garage Doors

They may not be as conventional as single and double garages, but triple garages offer the ultimate in space and convenience. They are ideal for storing multiple vehicles and personal belongings and can have one single door alongside two double doors or three single doors. 

These doors can be separated by beams that designate each vehicle’s parking space or continue as one long door. Typically, triple garage doors can reach widths of up to 40 feet:

Some standard sizes measured in feet: 

  • 36 x 8
  • 38 x 8
  • 40 x 8

Choosing the Best Garage Door Size for Your Home

A new door gives you better customization options

The best and right garage door size for your home depends on whether you are installing a brand-new door or need a new one. For example, if you’ve recently built a garage, you would have had to include the door size to ensure it matches the right measurements for the structure you’ve built. You may also have different measurements if you already have a door and can then take the measurements from it to buy a new one in the same size. 

A new door gives you better customization options, especially if your entire garage is new. Ideally, having extra space when measuring allows you to store more than just your vehicle, and you can utilize the space to its full potential. 

Garage Door Height Options

Garage door heights vary. Most garage doors are 7 feet tall, but they could measure 8 feet, regardless of whether it’s a single, double or triple garage. For vehicles that hold roof racks or are generally taller, you may need to install a 10-foot-high garage door. 

Custom Garage Door Sizes

Anyone who owns an RV or vehicle that requires extra height and length will need a customized garage and door. For example, fitting an RV could mean your garage door will need to reach heights of about 12 feet without having issues entering and exiting the garage. Most attached garages don’t have the space and height requirements to accommodate an RV, so you may need to build a detached garage.

If your custom garage is bigger, consider the following measurements:

Possible measurements for single, smaller customized space: 

  • 10 x 8 feet

Possible measurements for double garage for taller vehicles: 

  • 20 x 10 or 12 feet

Other custom garage door sizes will vary in width and height depending on the type of vehicle you need the door for. Ultimately, it comes down to what you want and need. Measurements will be taken based on your existing door to ensure your custom garage door is installed to your exact specifications. 

Oregon City Garage Door Will Get It Right the First Time

Request a free estimate

Regardless of the size of the door you install, our team will help you get the right measurements for your new investment. Use our Door Imagination System if you want an idea of the door style and size beforehand. 

Our friendly, efficient garage door installation technicians are eager to get you the door you need. We will come and size up your door so you don’t have to, leaving no room for error. Then, we will fit the door you’ve chosen so you know it’s done professionally for your peace of mind.

We are waiting to hear from you. Call us at 503-632-3070, or request a free estimate or a service today.

How to Open a Garage Door Without Power

How to Open a Garage Door Without Power

Many homeowners don’t realize their garage doors are affected by power outages until they can’t use them. Luckily, you don’t have to wait until the power comes back to use your garage door.

What Happens to Garage Door Openers During Power Outages?

Garage door openers allow users to control their garage doors automatically while securing them against manual force. During a power outage, electricity no longer flows to the door opener, preventing it from controlling door movement. 

How to Manually Open and Close Your Garage Door Without Power

Your vehicle is of no use if you can’t get it out of the garage. The good news is there are various techniques for safely opening and closing your garage without power.

From the Inside

If you’re in your garage and need to get your car out, follow these steps:

  1. Unlock the door: Locate any locks or latches on the garage door and open them to ensure they don’t cause damage when manually lifting the door.
  2. Unplug the garage door opener: Unplug the garage door opener to prevent the assembly from sustaining damage if the motor engages when the door is off the tracks.
  3. Pull the emergency release cord: The emergency release cord is a red handle that hangs from the center of the garage door track. Pull the handle straight down to disconnect the door from the trolley.
  4. Lift the garage door: Now that the garage door is disengaged, you can open it manually by grabbing the bottom of the door and lifting it. Make sure the door stays in place above you before letting go.
  5. Close the door: Once you’ve driven your car out of the garage, pull the door down to close it.

From the Outside

If you come home to find your garage door shut during a power outage, you can open it from the outside in a few simple motions:

  1. Find the emergency release kit: Locate the small lock toward the top of your garage door, which contains an emergency release cable. 
  2. Free the release cord: Use the special key to open the lock and pull out the tumbler to access the emergency release cord. Pull the cord to trigger the release mechanism.
  3. Unlock the garage door: Find the lock near the garage door handle and turn it vertically to unlock it.
  4. Lift the door: Push the door straight up and make sure it stays open before releasing it.
  5. Close the door: Enter the garage and pull the door closed.

Upgrade Your Garage Door at Oregon City Garage Door

For dependable residential garage door installations, choose Oregon City Garage Door. With over 25 years spent providing services across the Portland area, we’re the experts you can trust. 

Request an estimate on our products today!

How to Close Garage Door Gaps

A gap in your garage door gives burglars an opportunity to pry. It also offers drafts and pests a chance to enter your home. Thankfully, the experts at Oregon City Garage Door can help.

Learn how to inspect your garage door for gap issues and make repairs step-by-step so you can protect your family and raise your curb appeal. 

How to Detect Gaps in Your Garage Door

When you suspect your garage door has a gap issue, you can inspect a few components to confirm: 

  • Garage door stop: A garage door stop is simply a strip of trim that runs along the left and right sides of the door as well as the top of its opening. The stop covers all the gaps present between the edges of the door and the jambs to provide a weatherproof seal when the garage is closed.
  • Tracks: If the door is out of plumb, or not vertical when closed, there may be a gap at the tracks. Check the roller tracks on each side of the door. Installers place each track mounted on brackets. The tracks should be plumb and hold the door at a steady distance from each side stop. 
  • Bottom gap: If there’s a gap at the bottom of your door, it’s often due to the frame or floor settling. If the bottom panel seems to be sagging, you may need a new panel or garage door. 

Common Ways to Close Garage Door Gaps

Depending on the cause of the gap in your garage door, there are a number of methods for closing it: 

  • Adjust the limit switch: The limit switch for the garage door determines where the door stops when you shut it. You can adjust the limit switch so the seal compresses to the floor. Typically, the limit switch is found with your garage door opener, so check your manual for model-specific instructions. 
  • Replace the seal: The seal on your garage door can wear away over time from weather and consistent use. Replacing a garage door seal is often straightforward with a kit from your local hardware store. Some kits make it as simple as driving several screws through predrilled holes. 
  • Install a garage door threshold: You can find these at the local hardware store. You’ll use a rubber threshold and glue to create a permanent barrier at the bottom of your door. 

In other cases, you may need the help of a professional. Garage doors are heavy, and repairs can be dangerous without the proper training and equipment.

Trust Oregon City Garage Door for Routine Garage Door Maintenance 

Not sure how to repair your garage door gap? Oregon City Garage Door has been helping families and commercial businesses with reliable garage door solutions since 1992. 

Our professionals can diagnose your issue and seal your garage door gap, helping you save time and money and ensure your family’s safety. Connect with a specialist online to request an estimate today. 

How to Fix Gaps on the Top, Side and Bottom of Your Garage Door 

How to Fix Gaps on the Top, Side and Bottom of Your Garage Door

Even the smallest garage door gap is an invitation for unwanted moisture, debris and pests, including mice, rats and insects. Or, in more severe circumstances, visible gaps in the door could involuntarily invite burglars to try to invade your home. Call on Oregon City Garage Door’s trusted technicians when you need to troubleshoot the issue and repair a garage door gap.

What Is a Garage Door Gap?

A garage door gap is an unwanted space along the sides, top or bottom of your garage door. Rain, wind and pests can enter these gaps and wreak havoc on your garage, home or business, including its foundation. If you work from your garage, a gap can also affect your shop’s insulation and dramatically increase your energy bills. 

How to Check for Garage Door Gaps 

Sometimes, garage door gaps are visibly noticeable. Other times, you may need to search for them. To do so, turn out the lights in your garage and scan for cracks of sunlight. You can also run your hand along the edges of your garage door to feel for drafts. 

How Do I Seal the Edges on my Garage Door?

Learn about the many different garage door gap solutions from our repair experts at Oregon City Garage Door.

Check the Stops

Stops are the rubber trimmings that run the length of your garage door. If the gap in your garage doors runs along the top, sides or bottom edges, your stops may be the culprit. You may need to adjust or replace them. You can also fill small cracks in your stops with caulk. 

Check the Tracks

If your garage door tracks are bent, misaligned or aren’t vertical, your garage door may sag, causing gaps along the edges of your door. We recommend hiring an experienced technician to safely re-align your tracks if they aren’t parallel. 

Adjust the Limit Switches

For gaps located beneath the weatherstripping, try adjusting the limit switches on your opener. After reading the instruction manual for your unique opener, adjust the downward travel limit switch slightly so your garage door closes flush to the garage floor. 

Replace the Weatherstripping Seal

For gaps along the bottom of your garage door, the problem may stem from worn-out or chewed weatherstripping. You can find weatherstripping kits at your local hardware store. Measure the trimming twice to ensure it fits the length of your garage door, then cut it to size and install it following the instruction manual.

Contact Oregon City Garage Doors Today!

Still not sure what’s causing your garage door gap? Hire a professional to find the cause and seal your garage door gap. Our expert technicians will pinpoint the direct cause of the gap, saving you time and money in the long run. Plus, hiring a professional will keep you and your loved ones safe. 

Contact our specialists today to request an estimate

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